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Project sponsored with funds of the European Union, Programme LEONARDO DA VINCI

National Agency:


The Netherlands

2007 the Netherlands can count about 10 000 pig farms with about 11.7 million pigs and the size of farms is increasing. There exist clear qualification profiles in an echeloned training system which had been worked out with social partners. The demand for vocational training in animal husbandry has clearly declined last years. About 85 % of all employees on pig farms are low-skilled. One of the biggest problems is to reach out to these unqualified workers.

The so-called “green” education system consists of a combination of 13 basic occupational training institutions, five superior occupational training institutions and one agricultural university.

The basic vocational training qualifications are characterized by four levels: 1. Assistant craftsman, 2. Junior craftsman, 3. Independent craftsman (three years), 4. Executive foreman (four years).

There is no connection between training qualifications and wage level. This means, that qualified workers do not get automatically a job for their qualification levels. Due to decreasing number of students educational institutions cannot any longer offer specialized classes for pig husbandry. Alternatively, pig husbandry training is offered in regional training centers once a week. Unfortunately, this often means long travelling hours and higher costs for participants. Consequently, these offers are not sufficiently used.


National report